Importing a Selection of the World’s Most Exciting Wine

"If we sip the wine, we find dreams coming upon us out of the imminent night."

D.H. Lawrence

What is Tannin

Trail Blazers

We believe that trailblazing wineries produce exceptional wines. It takes conviction and passion to be innovators in a well established region or pioneers of a forgotten region or grape variety, and that passion comes through in the wine. Trailblazing translates to a unique and special experience, like finding that incredible, tiny bistro that only insiders know about but who makes the most amazing food.


Our goal is to import these types of wines to Canada and share them with like minded restaurateurs and retailers. Our customers are forward thinking businesses who know their customers, look to them to create unique experiences and to guide them in exploring the world of wine.


In short, our passion is finding trailblazing wineries who we believe in, placing their wines with trailblazing restaurants and retailers, and having fun doing it with enthusiasm and professionalism.